Monday, February 19, 2018

Editing Assignment NEW
HEADSWAP IN PHOTOSHOP INSTRUCTIONS ( As per yesterday's lesson) (10 marks)

1. Find/or take photo of a person. If using google to find the image, get the largest size photo possible. ( ie superman, famous model or celebrity) no animals or cartoons.

2. Bring in both photos to Photoshop. Go to IMAGE, ADJUSTMENTS, IMAGE SIZE and change the photos to both be close to the same size. If one is way bigger than the other it will be difficult to do the assignment. While under ADJUSTMENTS, you can also change both photos to BLACK and WHITE.
3. Next go to the SELECTION TOOL, and using the tool, move the tool around the head of one of your photos, then click on EDIT CUT and go to your next photo.

Note: It is probably more interesting to put the student head on the celebrity body, but it does not matter which head goes where. Also if you do not have a head shot that works for the swap, simply go out and take a shot of someone in a similar pose and distance away from the camera.

4.When on the next photo, click on EDIT, PASTE. This will put the head on the page. Then to resize the head, click EDIT, TRANSFORM, SCALE. This will put a box around the photo and allow you to change the size of the head, you can also slightly rotate the head if you go to ROTATE under TRANSFORM tool.
5. Then you want to tweak the image by moving into place with the pick tool, or use the eraser tool to clean up the edges.

Note: SAVING the file: If you need to continue working on the head swap, save as a Photoshop file so you can come back and work on the image. It is always a good idea, to save your edited photos as Photoshop files as a backup in case you need to go back and make changes. However, if you think you are done you can save as a JPEG and then print out the assignment, put your name on it and hand it in.

Criteria for this assignment: Looking for a clean transition, not warped but looking accurate, limited blurring to make the face/hair work. If I cannot tell it has been photoshopped it is a 10/10. Good Luck.

Photo Assignment #2 NEW: you are to take 5 shots of textures, filling the frame with the entire texture.Please check out this link for the article and photo samples of textures. ( 10 marks)

40 textures

Friday, February 2, 2018

Welcome to Writing/Photo 9

Welcome to Photo/Writing 9
This course will run a full semester and will combine both writing and photography. Students will complete the course by producing a portfolio of written work and a slideshow of their best photography.

As a result of budget cuts and a number of cameras getting broken last year, it is strongly encouraged that students have their own camera or at the very least access to a family camera at home. Camera phones are OK, but the quality of photography is not always great. Even if you have a good phone camera, I suggest you use the school's digital slr's to learn about how to utilize camera settings.

ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE THEIR OWN 2GB or larger sd card. This is your notebook for the class. Cards will only be provided on an emergency basis, not having a card could interfere with your success in the course. I would suggest an online order, or Bestbuy. I would like students to have this card by the third week of class.

Flickr Assignment: create an account, make Ms Chase a contact, insert your buddy icon, change your background photo, join the Mark Isfeld Photo Group. MAKE SURE ALL PHOTOS ARE PUBLIC. (10 marks)

Photo Assignment #1: You are to take 3 head shots and edit them. You should also post the head shot of yourself so you can use it for your buddy icon on Flickr. Edit your photos for cropping and light then create an album on Flickr for your headshots and post them to the album. (10 marks)

Writing Assignment #1: Students are to write a bio telling about themselves including: interests, hobbies, likes/dislikes, favourite foods, fav. books, foods etc. This assignment should be written in third person. Ex. Jane is a shy girl who lives in Comox with her two cats named Goofy and Mittens. Jane enjoys knitting in her free time ……Length 1 paragraph
Criteria: detailed, specific writing, written in bio format ( 10 marks)
When finished, you are to find a partner in the class to read your paragraph to and get them to help you improve  the piece by offering suggestions. Make sure the assignment is typed and has your name on it.You can put this assignment in the writing folder on the m:drive or print and hand in to Ms Chase