Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Term 1 Assignments

The following is a list of assignments for term #1. The term ends Nov. 8 which is a Thursday. Please make sure you have had your work edited and you have fixed up the edits and handed back in for a final mark.   Assignments are as follows:

  • Personal Experience story: focusing on your own experience (20 marks)
  • Setting: Use show not tell to describe a place that you are familiar with (10 marks)
  • Dialogue: Should move plot or develop character. ( 10 marks)
  • Conflict: You are to write a mini piece which focuses on a problem.  (15 marks)
  • Observation: writers have a keen sense of observing people. Watch someone and then write about them as though they are a character in a book. Have fun describing their oddities. (15 marks)
  • Personal Experience poem: Use the story you wrote, now turn it into a poem. (10 marks)
  • Choice poem: Write on any theme you like, remember the elements of writing a good poem.