Monday, April 11, 2022

New assignments for TERM 4

TERM 4 New Photo Assignments

Skate park shots: Using the skate park as your setting, shoot 10 photos with a focus on angles/viewpoint. This means shooting up at a subject, down at a subject, close up at objects, maybe down on a rail, or  shooting down at your feet...laying on the ground and shooting at ground level. Make sure you edit your photos. I am expecting high quality creative shots.

Criteria: Interesting, clearly focused, well composed shots. Creativity gets you extra marks.

10 shots = 20 marks

Macros: For our purposes macros are really just close up photos of objects. The closer you get to an object the more interesting it looks. You are to take 10 close up shots , trying to create art from your photographs. I want you to think, would I hang this on a wall.
Criteria: Make sure you have enough lighting. Photos should be in focus, close-up or extreme close up, well composed and of interesting subject matter. Try using the phone macro lenses. Make sure you shoot a variety of shots.
SHOTS: 10 MARKS: 20 
Example: Birgit Power Great Collection of Macros 

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