Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Thurs./Fri Jan 30

1.  Rule of Thirds

What is the rule of thirds? The rule of thirds is a composition guideline that places your subject in the left or right third of an image, leaving the other two thirds more open. While there are other forms of composition, the rule of thirds generally leads to compelling and well-composed shots. But, once you know this rule and practice it a bit, you can break the rule. When you get on to the computers, look up rule of thirds.

2. Review as a class, the link to 10 questions to ask yourself before taking a photo.  LINK: 10 QUESTIONS

NEW First Assignment on your phone: Headshots 5 photos of 5 different people. Also include a headshot of yourself in this album. Make sure headshots have a clean, non-distracting background

20 minutes to go out and shoot headshots  DO NOT DISRUPT OTHER CLASSES. 

Headshot Criteria

  • background clean
  • good eye contact with camera
  • edited head and shoulders
  • pleasing to the eye
  • in focus
  • speaks to subject's personality
  • all headshots should be consistent

These do not have to be uploaded today. If there is a student who does not have a phone have them partner with someone who does and take them on their phone.

If there is still time, students can begin brainstorming 20 things they would like to do/experience before they turn 25. They can put this into a word document and call it BUCKET LIST

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Intro Writing/Photo 9

 Overview Photo/Writing 9: 

In this class you will learn much about how to see the world from a different perspective, how to use the digital SLR cameras, upload and organize photos and how to edit in Photoshop. This class will allow a fair bit of freedom, but with this freedom comes responsibility. Along with Photography you will be learning how to improve your creative writing skills by way of various exercises and assignments.

( Class Guidelines: to be discussed)

We need good photography for the yearbook. Students are encouraged to use their phones for taking photos as much as possible. School cameras will be available for student use in class and may be able to be signed out to take home with teacher permission. Techniques on how to use your phones/digital slr cameras will be taught in class. Students should carry their phone charge cords with them for uploading photos. 

Requirements for success in this course:

  • a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and push beyond the level you are at
  • your own cell phone and charger cables 
  • using class time effectively and a respect the freedom you have in this class
  • realizing the benefits of  taking photos outside of class occasionally
  • be a good model for your peer/help out others when you can
  • Keeping up with writing assignments and getting your work peer, parent or teacher edited

Core Competencies

  • Critical and Creative thinking
  • Self and Social Responsibility
  • Visual and written communication skills


Students are at the beginning stages of learning a skill so taking lots of photos will be important for skill development. Assignments in Photo will focus on developing an eye for composition and learning how to take photos from different angles. Students will have various assignments focusing on specific skills and will be assessed by a portfolio of their work. In writing the same format will be in place. Writing is broken down into understanding character, setting, poetry and creative short assignments. I am a firm believer in process based teaching and assessments for the arts.

To set your Apple devices to take photos in JPEG/JPG instead of HEIC and to have the resolution be high:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Tap Camera
  3. Tap Formats
  4. Tap Most Compatible

1. Partner Interviews
  • create a folder under Chase 2024 on the MDrive
  • create a wriing folder on the ONEDRIVE
  • Open Adobe Photoshop and Photo Story and drag them to the desktop of your computer