Dialogue: Here is the info you need to do the assignment properly. Dialogue is a conversation between two people. In writing a story or novel, good dialogue will do one of two things; move plot or develop character. Your task is to create a dialogue between two characters that does one or the other or both. It might help to create a conflict between the two characters.
The minimum lines of dialogue are 8 lines per character. Marks:10
( Rough copy due before the break)
Here are 10 tips for how to write dialogue:
- Say the dialogue out loud.
- Cut small talk when writing dialogue.
- Keep your dialogue brief and impactful.
- Give each character a unique voice/character.
- Add world-appropriate slang.
- Be consistent with the characters' voices.
- Remember who they are speaking to.
- Avoid long dialogue paragraphs.
More Tips....
Rewriting the 7 Rules of Dialogue
- “Dialogue should stay on topic.” ...
- “Use dialogue as you would actual speech.” ...
- “Opt for the speaker attribution said over all others.” ...
- “Avoid long speeches.” ...
- “Be grammatically correct. ...
- “Show what the characters are doing while they're talking.” ...
- “Keep characters' speech consistent.”
LINK TO: How to write good dialogue
Tips for writing good dialogue