The following is a list of assignments required to be completed for term 3. Please make sure you have all work in by the first week back after the break. A reminder, that students can use X - Block on Wednesdays to get help with any of their work, or to complete any outstanding assignments.
1. Story about object: completed in class. marks:10
2. Brainstorm: should include 5 very brief story ideas about your life. Most people have completed this work in class. marks:10
3. Short story: This piece involves writing a personal naarative from an individual experience. This piece should have been edited by the teacher prior to be handed in for marks. marks: 25
4. Setting/ Fav. place in BC: You were to write describing a favourite place in BC. Your writing should focus on the elements of setting ( time, place, etc.) as well as using Show not tell in your writing. Try to paint a picture in the reader's mind of the place you are describing. marks: 10
4. Me as character: In this assignment, you are to describe yourself as though you are a character in a book. You may find it easier to write from third person or from the perspective of an all knowing narrator. This may well be one of the most difficult assignments of the term. marks: 15
5. Girl/guy: This was an in class assignment about giving advice to the opposte sex. We read these out in class and I laughed a few good laughs. marks: 5
6. Contest Assignment: DoritosWrite the Ending/Conversation with Famous Person: Regardless of whether you enter the contests or not, you need to choose one of these assignments to complete for class, and hand in to me. marks: 10
7. Fictional Character Description: Create your own character and write about them using Show not Tell. Have fun! marks:10
Example: instead of saying: She has red hair and is about 5'4''. (TELL) try this: Her fiery locks hung down over her delicately exposed shoulders. (SHOW)
8. Dialogue: Remember to move plot or develop character through your dialogue (marks 10)
9 Conflict: You do not have to write an entire story... just remember that conflict is what moves a story along. Conflict can take many forms such as internal, character vs. character, character vs. nature etc. (marks 10)